
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Not So Different

Not So Different

Just returned from our Asian adventure and over the next weeks I will share my textile experiences with you.  Today, though, I want to share an observation that many travelers witness.  As large as is our world, that is also how small it is.  As different as various cultures are, the similarities are more numerous than the differences.

Due to social media, ideas, trends, and new products are immediately available all over the world, no matter how remote the location of the user.  This has led to a globalization of culture.  The official uniform of young people is jeans and sneakers.  Their accessories are backpacks and cell phones.  The allure of high end retail shopping has led to The United Colors of  Benneton and other trendy shops appearing next to neighborhood markets, fast food such as KFC and McDonalds adjoin ethnic street vendors.

Photos from China, Mongolia and Russia

Need I say more?

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