Saturday, December 28, 2013
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Holiday Message
Holiday Greetings
We are very fortunate living in Santa Fe where there are many different cultures and traditions. Especially around the holiday season there are concerts, ballet and dance performances. The Plaza is alight with decorated trees and a large menorah celebrating Hanukkah. There are farolitos (brown paper bags filled with sand and a lit candle, called lumenarias elsewhere) lighting roof tops and pathways. This is also the time to celebrate the winter solstice, Kwanza and traditional feast days of the various pueblos.
However you celebrate the season, may your traditions bring you peace.
We are very fortunate living in Santa Fe where there are many different cultures and traditions. Especially around the holiday season there are concerts, ballet and dance performances. The Plaza is alight with decorated trees and a large menorah celebrating Hanukkah. There are farolitos (brown paper bags filled with sand and a lit candle, called lumenarias elsewhere) lighting roof tops and pathways. This is also the time to celebrate the winter solstice, Kwanza and traditional feast days of the various pueblos.
However you celebrate the season, may your traditions bring you peace.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Cold Weather Means Flannel Shirts
Cold Weather Fabric
has been rough weather for the US Midwest and East Coast. Large snowfalls and very, very cold weather
with high winds have made this late fall one to remember (yes, it isn’t winter
quite yet).
cold weather we turn to “comfort” fabrics: wooly socks and caps, fleece jackets
and chenille robes. One such fabric has
been a part of the winter textile scene for many, many generations: FLANNEL
Looks as if I am partial to red flannel!
of us can remember flannel pj’s (some with feet!), flannel sheets for the beds
and flannel shirts. Every outerwear
catalog still offers these textiles as they are easy care, warm and relatively
is a type of weave, there are no fibers named “”flannel”. Flannel
fabric can be created by using cotton, wool and manufactured
fibers. Having originated in Wales, the
word “flannel” is derived from a Welsh word “gwlamen” which means related to
flannel is known for its draping qualities and is usually used as a suiting
hearing about the movie “The Man in the Gray Flannel suit”, 1956, with Gregory
For those of you in Winter's path, stay warm and please stay safe.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
The T-Shirts in My Dresser Drawer
Planet Money Makes a T-Shirt
There is no article of apparel more common to every closet than the T-shirt. From infants to grandfathers, from NYC to Beijing, T-shirts are an integral part of everyone’s wardrobe.
Why? They are comfortable, easily laundered, available in thousands of colors and patterns, and can be personalized with logos. But, above all, they are cheap!! Not only reasonable, but down-right cheap. Sure, there are "designer" shirts available at a heftier price point, but the vast majority of these garments are the common, hard wearing, everyday, cotton tops we wear nearly everyday.
I recently reviewed a web presentation by NPR (National Public Radio) on a project that began with the farming of cotton, through distribution of manufactured t-shirts to the consumer.
The US remains the leader in cotton farming and one example was given of a Mississippi farmer with a staff of 13 and 20 machines which harvested 13,000 bales per year which translates into 9.4million shirts!!!
Next the presentation took me to Indonesia where the cotton fiber was spun into yarn , then shipped to Bangladesh (and to Columbia) for sewing.
But, how could this shirt be produced so cheaply? Clearly the overhead is much cheaper in the far East . It turns out that the real savings are a result of reduced shipping costs. From the US to Indonesia to Bangladesh and back to the US consumer the shipping costs were "far less than $1 per shirt".
I learned a great deal by viewing this instructional. There is both video as well as written text. Also included are additional references for further reading. I recommend spending a few minutes at
There is no article of apparel more common to every closet than the T-shirt. From infants to grandfathers, from NYC to Beijing, T-shirts are an integral part of everyone’s wardrobe.
Why? They are comfortable, easily laundered, available in thousands of colors and patterns, and can be personalized with logos. But, above all, they are cheap!! Not only reasonable, but down-right cheap. Sure, there are "designer" shirts available at a heftier price point, but the vast majority of these garments are the common, hard wearing, everyday, cotton tops we wear nearly everyday.
I recently reviewed a web presentation by NPR (National Public Radio) on a project that began with the farming of cotton, through distribution of manufactured t-shirts to the consumer.
The US remains the leader in cotton farming and one example was given of a Mississippi farmer with a staff of 13 and 20 machines which harvested 13,000 bales per year which translates into 9.4million shirts!!!
Next the presentation took me to Indonesia where the cotton fiber was spun into yarn , then shipped to Bangladesh (and to Columbia) for sewing.
But, how could this shirt be produced so cheaply? Clearly the overhead is much cheaper in the far East . It turns out that the real savings are a result of reduced shipping costs. From the US to Indonesia to Bangladesh and back to the US consumer the shipping costs were "far less than $1 per shirt".
I learned a great deal by viewing this instructional. There is both video as well as written text. Also included are additional references for further reading. I recommend spending a few minutes at
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Giving Thanks
Giving Thanks
Now is the time for planning harvest feasts, entertaining
friends and preparing for the coming holiday season. But the real reason for Thanksgiving, is, of course, reflecting
upon our blessings. Would it not be
better, actually, to spend a few minutes each day acknowledging the good things
in our lives instead of waiting an entire year to do so for one day only?
Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 17, 2013
A Bit of Fashion in Russia
Vintage Clothing in St Petersburg, Russia
Spending time in Russia this fall, fashions didn’t seem too
different from those at home. There was
a bit of a uniform look, though, amongst the younger women. This look consisted of black leggings or
tights worn with a long tunic knit top or very, very short black skirt and high
black boots. Actually, this was very
flattering for most of these tall, thin, long-legged women, but perhaps a bit
boring. Occasionally, one would see a
beautiful jewel-toned wool coat worn with a floral shawl.
While in the southern Siberian city of Irtusk I happened upon a St. Petersburg
newspaper (thankfully in English) with an article about growing enthusiasm for vintage clothing.
The St. Petersburg Tlimes, Wednesday, September, 25, 2013
We take the vintage look for granted and spend many hours
scouring sources for great, unique items reasonably priced, of course. That has not been the case in Russia. Dressing in ”Vintage” is a fashion revolution
which goes against concepts that dressing in style requires wealth. The article proposed that dressing in
clothing from the past may remind one of previous, “trying times” and wearing
used clothing is not practiced commonly in Russia because “ it is normally
associated with being poor”.
Those interested in dressing in unique style, can do so at a
fraction of the price of current clothing. There is a “minimum of 20%
mark-up added onto clothing by western brands available” in St Petersburg. The author looks 5 years into the future and
sees the trend in retro growing and individuality replacing the “uniform look”
seen on city streets.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Vacation Destination - China Part 3
Vacation China –
Silk Part 3 – A Great Product
Of course, you cannot visit China without encountering every
type of silk fabric and many, many products made from this luxurious
fiber. There are dozens and dozens of
workshops that will tailor a suit and deliver it to your hotel within 24
hours. Hundreds of lovely scarves and
shawls are folded on counters in every department store. But there was one silk product I had not considered
and I found it at the Yuanlong Silk Factory.
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Yuanlong Silk No. 55, T i antan Road, Dongcheng District Beijing, China |
I saw a small description of the factory-showroom in our
Beijing travel guide. I was intrigued
by the description of a teaching area of sericulture and their show rooms of
products, not to mention an English-speaking “tour guide”. We found the factory was located a 15 minute walk from a subway station and near The Temple of Heaven
where we had planned to spend the afternoon.
So off we went.
The foyer of the showroom was filled with vintage photos and
maps relating to the silk industry. A
series of displays featured cocoons,
larvae, manual looms and other machines used when silk weaving was a
cottage industry.
Now, all aspects are
automated and factory produced with one exception. Silk-filled duvets!!!
Instead of a feather or down filling, these bedcovers are filled with
silk filament, straight from the cocoons!
A small opening is made in the top of the cocoon and the
larva removed. The cocoon is then
softened and stretched over a small frame.
The cocoon is constantly massaged and stretched over larger and larger
frames until a large sheet of silk filament is the size of a mattress. Just one
cocoon!! The filament sheets are piled
depending upon the weight of the final duvet.
For a 2,000 gm cover there are 4,000 cocoons used. The mat of filaments is enclosed within a
cotton cover and then packaged.
There are sizes for all mattresses and 2 weights, 2,000 gms
and 2,500 gms.
In addition to the duvets, themselves, there are covers for
purchase in evey size and conceivable color.
You can get a beautiful silk brocade or a more practical cover made from
a combination of cotton and bamboo fibers.
This product is
possible because of the properties of silk filaments. Due to layers of protein
build-up, silk is noted for its softness to the touch and brilliant sheen. The basic filament has incredible fineness
but is pound for pound stronger than steel, yarn only 1 mm in diameter will
support 100 pounds. It has impressive
insulating properties and is mildew resistant. .
Size chart and packaged duvets
I couldn’t resist with winter on its way. It was so light that the compressed package fit easily into our luggage So far, our duvet is surprisingly warm for its light weight, and it will get much more use than a hand-tailored suit!!!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Vacaton Destination - China Part 2
Vacation China – Silk, Part 2- Production
Silk is a filament secreted by the silkworm when spinning its cocoon, and the name for the
threads, yarns and fabrics named from the filament. Most commercial silk is produced by the cultivated silkworm,
Bombyx mori.
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Its Origin, Culture and Manufacture
The Nonotuck Silk Company
Florence Massachusetts
The secret of silk production was a closely guarded Chinese
secret. The penalty of revealing this
secret was punishment by death. Inevitably, the secret was too valuable and
there are several versions in folklore, which describe the lengths smugglers
would go to steal the secret from China to sell it to the West One tells of monks hiding cocoons in their
walking sticks!!
Bombyx mori feeds exclusively on the leaves of various
mulberry trees and spins a thin, white filament. There are several varities of wild silkworms which feed on oak,
cherry and mulberry leaves, but their filament is brown and coarse and 3 times
the thickness of the cultivated.
Carefully selected moths lay 500-700 eggs apiece. One ounce of silkworms requires nine tons of
mulberry leaves to reach maturity, their cocoons will produce 12 pounds of silk.
Eggs take 14 days to mature into larvae. The larvae are raised on trays kept in a
temperature-controlled, clean
environment and are fed every 2-3 hours. Fully grown in approximately 5
weeks, they are 70 times their original size.
Their rear silk glands produce an animal protein called fibron which is
activated and sent to silk producing glands.
The silkworms are placed on a bed and enter the pupa stage, enclosing
themselves in a silk filament in an endless series of figure-eights (300,000
times) 1 ½ miles in length.
Eight to nine days the silkworm changes into a moth and must
emerge from the cocoon. To do so it
produces an enzyme to soften the cocoon and produce a hole, from which it
emerges. Since the enzyme is
destructive to silk fibers , the fibers break down from their mile-long
filament into shorter segments of
random length, ruining the silk threads.
(These waste cocoons are used to spin noil, to make various products but
are not suitable for fine silk thread production.) To prevent this, at the factory the cocoons are gassed, boiled or
steamed, killing the silkworm. Of
course, enough moths are allowed to hatch so that egg-laying can continue,
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Moths emerging from cocoons Note the damage to cocoons |
Intact cocoons. Dead pupa taken from cocoons prior to reeling. Fear not, these are an excellent source of protein and are use in the cosmetic industry.
After drying the cocoon are inspected and graded and sent to
a filature (factory) for reeling..Today, automated reeling machines are
equipped with sensors, allowing for immediate replacement of empty cocoons or
broken filaments. The silk filament is made stronger for weaving by plying,
called throwing, increasing the
twist or adding more strands together.
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Moi inspecting a n automated reeling and plying machine at the factory. The cocoons are stored in the blue containers at the bottom of the reeler. The plied silk thread is on the spools at the top |
Skeins of silk are formed into bundles (29) and
collected into bales (132#), the amount raw silk is traded for export.
Vintage photo of silk traders examining skeins of silk
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Vacation Destination - China
Vacation Destination – China
We have just returned from an Asian vacation, Beijing, China
was our first stop.
When one interested in textiles thinks of China, one thinks
of silk. In the next three weeks we
will look at the silk industry in China from its inception through its
processing and finally my discovery of a great, modern silk product.
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Ernest E. Leavitt Jr. Arizona State Museum University of Arizona |
The Silk Road, that magical journey, which brought spices,
gems and silk to Europe, was an arduous journey of over 5,000 miles from the
Mediterranean to China. The riches were
beyond imagination and the greatest of these riches was silk. The term “silk road”. Seidenstrasse, was
coined by a German explorer named Baron Ferdinand von Richtofen in 1877. Most maps depict the Silk Road as departing
from Xi’an, China although most of China’s silk was produced further
south. Xi’an was the capital of China
from 206 BCE to 25CE during the Han dynasty, when Chinese emperors first
expressed an interest in the lands beyond their western frontiers and when Rome
was equally interested in acquiring Chinese silks. Silk was imported to Rome
both as dyed thread and woven cloth, which was often unwoven to be rewoven into
sheer fabrics that were more to Roman tastes.
The earliest excavated silk is a group of ribbons, threads
and woven fragments, all dyed red, dated to 3,000BCE. Archeological remains reveal that already in Shang
times(1600-1050 BCE) Chinese were making fine silk damasks and elaborate silk
embroideries. Silk fabric was used to
pay taxes and salaries and to purchase peace in the coursed of diplomatic
negotiations. Repeated invasions of Mongols from the north forced China to
begin paying raiders quantities of silk, as much as 450,000 pieces of silk per
year to keep them at bay.
The state was in control of the silk industry. Emperors set
up weaving and embroidery mills to satisfy the needs of their courts. These institutions were managed by
appointees of the emperor, whose mission was to provide the raw materials, pay
the craftsmen and supervise the distribution of the finished products.
In legendary periods the thwarted love of the 2 deities- the
male cowherd and the female weaver, who were allowed to meet 1 day a year, is a
reminder of the Chinese division of the day’s work: men plow, women weave. The Weaver is the alpha star of Lyra constellation. She weaves all year round by the side of the
Milky Way. On the opposite side is the
Bootes constellation, tilling his fields and harnessed to the chariot of Ursa Major.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Not So Different
Not So Different
Just returned from our Asian adventure and over the next
weeks I will share my textile experiences with you. Today, though, I want to share an observation that many travelers
witness. As large as is our world, that
is also how small it is. As different
as various cultures are, the similarities are more numerous than the
Due to social media, ideas, trends, and new products are
immediately available all over the world, no matter how remote the location of
the user. This has led to a
globalization of culture. The official
uniform of young people is jeans and sneakers.
Their accessories are backpacks and cell phones. The allure of high end retail shopping has led
to The United Colors of Benneton and other trendy shops appearing next to
neighborhood markets, fast food such as KFC and McDonalds adjoin ethnic street
Photos from China, Mongolia and Russia

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Friday, October 4, 2013
Off on a Textile Adventure
Off on a Textile Adventure
This isn’t my usual blog, it’s just a notice that I will have lots of great textile news in the
coming weeks
As you read this, if all goes as planned, I will be on the
Trans-Siberian Railroad traveling from Mongolia into Russia after some time in
Bejing. Hopefully I will have taken
lots of pictures so far (of course, shopping comes first).
So stay tuned.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Penny Loafers
Penny Loafers
I have to admit, I love shoes! I don’t love the large, platform shoes with the 4 inch spikey
heels, as I am terminally clumsy and would be wearing casts on both legs after
only getting out of the car. But all
others would be good to go. Are they textiles?
Maybe not, but they are generally made of leather with some sort of
synthetic fabric lining. A compromise
would be labeling them fashion accessories.
I read a small article a few weeks ago in the Wall Street
Journal by Tasha Green who wrote about penny loafers. I had a pair once, years ago, and I remember that nearly all my
friends did as well. They seemed to be
especially popular with the young college men who wore them with khakis and
blue blazers and button-down collared shirts.
According to Green, they were first produced by B.H.Bass
(anyone from New England would recognize that firm) in 1936. A testament to their popularity would be
that I was wearing them 30 years later.
Apparently, students in the 1950’s were responsible for inserting the
pennies in the pocket on the front of the shoe, hence the name.
Fashion is cyclic, as we all know. Anyone who has discarded a pricey piece of apparel because it
might be a bit dated lived to regret that move when it reappeared some time later.
So now shoe designers are reintroducing the loafers and the article hinted at
unusual colors, but to my mind the basics are the most practical because I also
remember those shoe simply did not wear out.
Incidentally, the article was accompanied by a photo, “Dark
Brown Penny Loafer, $1175, John Lobb”
Friday, September 20, 2013
Hotel Linens
Hotel Souvenirs
OK, ‘fess up. Who,
among you out there, never placed a “souvenir” from your hotel room into your
carry-on luggage? I have taken a huge
number of shampoos, soaps and lotions, after all, I figure I truly have paid
for these. Also add stationery and
those coffee singles. But I honestly
draw the line with bathrobes and towels.
And who in their right mind would want those dubious blankets. (I think
crisp white duvets have revolutionized hotel décor, not to mention
I came across these vintage towels in a basket of assorted
linens If you look closely, you may be
able to see the logo of the Plaza Hotel of NYC in the damask weave..
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Bath towel and hand towel from the Plaza Hote |
Before terry-cloth towels, bath and hand towels were woven
linen or cotton. It wasn’t until after
WWI when returning soldiers told of the lush bath towels in Europe that manufacturers
began producing the loop surface towels we now purchase. In the beginning, though, this fabric was
prone to snagging. When a looped was pulled or snagged it created a “run” with
the background fabric showing through.
I’m sure you have all seen this in cheap terry fabric. There has been improvement is the manufacturing
process which eliminates this problem.
Friday, September 13, 2013
1950's Patio Prints on Barkcloth
Grandma’s Bark Cloth
Barkcloth is a heavyweight, cotton fabric with a rough
textured surface. Do not confuse this
with a textile made from the bark of various trees: breadfruit, fig and paper
mulberry found in South America and more frequently, Polynesia.
Grandma’s barkcloth was manufactured in the late 1940’s and
50’s when fine fabric was scarce due to WWII.
It is usually associated with large-scale prints of tropical florals and
birds. These fabrics were bold in
palettes of chartreuse, yellows, vivid greens and corals.
Occasionally, the tone was more refined featuring stripes
and softer colors of blues and creams.
Because of their terrific graphic qualities and the
sturdiness of the weave, barkcloth became very popular as an upholstery fabric,
especially for porch and patio furniture.
I remember seeing it on furniture in my grandmother’s “Florida Room”, as
sun rooms were often called, although she lived nowhere near Florida. Actually,
the climate wasn’t really sunny most of the time either.
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Barkcloth with a Japanese motif |
Today “patio prints” of barkcloth are very popular once
again and vintage barkcloth is fetching surprising prices. One word of caution, most vintage remnants
lived a prior life as curtains, draperies or upholstered pillows and
cushions. If the fabric was placed in a
room with direct sunlight and heat (they didn’t call them sun rooms for
nothing) the textile will have become fragile and often fractures or splits
will occur with reuse. If you are
planning on using this type of fabric for upholstery consider purchasing a
reproduction and save the vintage for pillows and small accessories.
Occasionally, one might find textured, heavy, cotton fabrics
depicting a bucolic scene reminiscent of toiles, incongruous though it sounds, a
finely etched design on linen or cotton compared to a printed scene on roughly
textured fabric. These mid twentieth century fabrics were produced for the
middle class market by companies such as Waverly Fabrics and F. Schumacher
& Co.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Barbara Brackman - Quilt Historian
Barbara Brackman
Over twenty years ago at an antique show and sale I fell in
love with textile history. The show was
housed in and for the benefit of an historic house in a small New England
town. As a member of our local quilt
guild, I was attending a booth selling quilt publications. Also a vendor who was a fellow guild member sold vintage textiles including a very impressive selection of vintage quilts.
What I was especially intrigued by was the description of
each quilt with its approximate date of creation. While I could see the obvious distinction between 20th
century pastel and “cute” printed
fabrics and the more formal, somber characteristics of 19thC quilts, I didn’t
understand the more subtle nuances that allowed for accurate dating.
When I commented on this to a friend and said I was really
interested in dating quilts, she recommended the first resource book I ever
purchased on textile history: Clues in the Calico by Barbara Brackman.
My background was in science and medicine and I was familiar
with research material. I found to my
delight Brackman’s approach was very user friendly, written for the interested
reader, not necessarily, the expert.
The more I studied textiles, the more I realized that the
subject of textile history was a perfect fit for me and I have enjoyed every
course, workshop, conference and reference article I have encountered
since. After those twenty years I still
find enormous information to research and immense quantities of textiles to
My hero, Barbara Brackman, was always interested in history
and preservation. She was a member of
the National Trust and a founding member of the Kansas Grassroots Art
Association in 1974. Her passionate
interest in quilt history lead her to become a founding member of the American
Quilt Study Group, and was inducted into the Quilter’s Hall of Fame in 2001.
Brackman has written over a dozen books on the topic of
quilt history and currently designs reproduction vintage fabrics for Moda.
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